So I finally cracked and bought ProTools 10, I got it cheap. Since I am currently a student I am entitled to all sorts of discounts, including software from big vendors like Avid. Protools 10 is industry standard, I honestly don’t know why, it is seriously lacking in the features that I am used to in Cubase, the interface seems simple and dumbed down and using it feels like time travel back to 2002….. Never-the-less, if I get future post production work it will at least allow me to give the client something that they are expecting, even if it means that I do the work in Cubase and export it to PT10….. this is what Hans Zimmer does….! Anyway here is a crappy promo video from Sweetwater, and if you are switched on you will realise that many of these ‘new’ features in PT10 have been available in Cubase since 2005, I think the commenter’s agree….