Reaver Ep#1 – Dance Around

Well here it is, as promised, the last track off my first EP Release, Dance Around. I re-recorded this using an Amiga emulator and Octamed… wow that was a flashback! I was able to loop the audio through my Focusrite Audio card and record it directly into Wavelab, this meant that there was no noisy analogue loop in the recording like the other tracks. I mastered this in my new studio as well and I think the results speak for themselves, much, much clearer and punchier.  Take a listen…..

Sorry for the delay

Well, sorry for the lack of updates, but I have been rather busy…. building my new studio…!  woot!   yes, it’s finally done, floor, painting, sound proofing all finished, and the results are fantastic. After 20 years of having odd rooms and small spaces to put all my gear I finally have a purpose buildt room, that didn’t take very long did it !….  Anyway in the photos below you see the DJ setup which is using my old Alesis Monitor-1 speakers and the new DDM4000 mixer I told you about a few weeks ago, the time code system is still Dj Decks,  I have created a DJ table loosely based on the plans from HERE, however instead of making a ‘box’ thing as the top shelf I simply used some stainless legs that are intended for a kitchen, this created a nice open space to put all the cables into…. Ikea hacking at it’s best….!

In this photo you see my music production space. I am using the Carillon Producer Workstation which worked out to be the perfect width to fit between the bass traps in either corner and just deep enough to give enough space for the DJ table to the left (off shot). The speakers are new, Genelec 8040A’s… nice, nice, nice.  Very clear, I’m hearing things like I have never heard before.

I’m yet to sit down and write anything yet…. but I did go through a few old project and compare what I had before to this set up, also worked out a few work flow things and ironed out a few bugs in the process. Expect some music very soon……!


Finally got my advertising flyers in the post, this is one of the first services I was to give from my studio, converting tapes and vinyl to mp3 for mums and dads…. yes it’s boring tedious work, and it does not pay very much, but I think it will be a good start to my entry into the world of small business. I’ve got 1000 of these things to hand out so I better get cracking…!

It’s Mental

Time for some HARDCORE!  This is the next track off Reaver EP#1, Mental Orgasm. Don’t ask me what I was thinking when I wrote this, I think it was around the time of the rise of Hardcore in Sydney. Makes sense I guess…..

Studio build

So the studio build continues, the electrics are in and the sound absorbent insulation is in, 22 bags of the stuff, it was a full day of work. I feel like all I have done is spend money! $1000 for this $2000 for that… damn it’s all starting to add up. I also had to buy myself a new laptop as well. And to think I have been at this music thing for 20 years so I already have most of the stuff I need, I could only imagine the cost if I had to get everything new. The image below is what will eventually be the mix position, where I will be sitting when working in the studio, still seems a long way off…..


Well here it is finally, the new  Done in wordpress, and it has taken me the best part of today to get it looking like this. I’m still not 100% happy with it. Still plenty to do and heaps of stuff to add, as you can no doubt see. I want to blog every weekday in June so I will need a platform that makes things easy and wordpress certainly does that. Anyway I’ve really had enough of this today, expect some goodness tomorrow.

Rock’n it Suckers

Today we have something very special. A DJ mix just recently done by a good friend of mine, DJ Unknown, he has been experimenting recently with Jackin House music and this is his current tune selection. Personally, It’s nothing like the style that I play, but I find it very enjoyable to listen to, very funky….. I’ve also made this avaliable on my Soundcloud
